1200 words
Online Studies Syllabus
© Belhaven University | October 2019
Course Description This course is an overview of financial analysis that advances decision-making in the modern
sports industry. This course is intended to show students the format and content of annual
financial statements, cash budgeting, ratio analysis, time value of money and the application
thereof. The purpose of this course is to give a broad overview of the fundamental finance and
accounting concepts to provide a strong framework in developing business finance strategies.
Student Competencies ? Identify the Christian principles of honesty and the deleterious effect of greed as they
relate to financial reporting and ethical business practices.
? Formulate a Christ-centered approach to money management.
? Understand the different types of business structures.
? Compare different types of financial markets.
? Describe the purpose and content of financial statements.
? Understand how the basic financial statements articulate to each other
? Understand the importance and derivation of a cash budget
? Discuss the use of financial statement ratios analysis to evaluate the financial condition and operating performance of a business entity.
? Identify the concept and application of the time value of money.
Assessment Criteria In terms of the outcomes and evaluation procedures, your understanding of the course subject
matter and a Christian Worldview as prescribed by Belhaven University will be evaluated.
During the course, your learning will be assessed through discussion questions, written
assignments, and/or abstracts/critiques applicable to textbook subject matter and Christian
Worldview applications. A final assessment will be assessed through End of Semester Portfolio
and Final Exam as outlined on the syllabus that incorporates the Christian Worldview and course
subject matter.
Assignments Units Points Possible
Writing Assignments Units 1-6 240
Unit Quizzes Units 1-6 120
Discussions Units 1-6 240
Final Portfolio Paper
Due by Friday at 11:59 p.m.
Unit 7 200
Final PowerPoint Presentation
Due by Saturday at 11:59 p.m.
Unit 7 100
Final Examination (Covers Chapters in Unit 7: 3, 7, and 14) Unit 7 100
Total 1000
Grading Scale:
930+ A 93-100%
900-929 A- 90-92%
870-899 B+ 87-89%
830-869 B 83-86%
800-829 B- 80-82%
770-799 C+ 77-79%
730-769 C 73-76%
700-729 C- 70-72%
670-699 D+ 67-69%
630-669 D 63-66%
600-629 D- 60-62%
0-599 F 0-59%
Resource Inventory
Fried, G., DeSchriver, T. D., & Mondello, M. (2020). Sport finance (4th ed.). Champaign, IL:
Human Kinetics.
ISBN 13: 978-1492559733
The Holy Bible (New Living Translation)
Financial Calculator: Students should purchase a Texas Instruments (TI) BAIIPlus financial
calculator (there is an app for iPhones for $14.99) or a TI83-86 graphing calculator for use in
solving the assigned problems in various chapters of the textbook. There are instructions for the
graphing calculators. Google finance apps on the TI83 and click on one of the sites.
Each student will be responsible for understanding how to operate the calculator of his or her
choice relative to the solving of the applicable problems assigned for homework.
Articles listed on Course Home Page
Baade, R. A. & Matheson, V.A.(2011). Financing Professional Sport Facilities. International
Association of Sport Economists. Retrieved from
Diedrich, C. (2007). Homefield Economics: The Public Financing of Stadiums. Policy Matters.
4(2). 22-27. Retrieved from
Hitchcock, M. (nd). Welcome to Petco Park: Home of Your Enron by the Sea Padres
Retrieved from
Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletes. (2009). College Sports 101. Retrieved from http://www.knightfoundation.org/media/uploads/publication_pdfs/2009_KCIA_College_Sports
Suggested Readings
BusinessWeek on a weekly basis. Street and Smiths SportsBusiness Journal.
Mumcu, C., & Fried, G. B. (2017). Analytics in Sport Marketing. Sport Management Education
Journal, 11(2), 102-105.
Parlow, M. J. (2002). Publicly financed sports facilities: Are they economically justifiable? A
case study of the Los Angeles Staples Center. University of Miami Business Law Review,
10(3), 483-545.
Support Journal
International Journal of Sport Finance
Belhaven Online Resources:
Research Articles: Locate articles by accessing the link and following to Academic Search
Belhavens APA Quick Guide:
Expectations of Online Studies Students
For the attendance policy, please see the Student Online Handbook in Blazenet.
Due Dates A unit is considered to be Monday- Saturday. You are encouraged to Observe the Sabbath day
and keep it holy. Good time management is essential to career and academic success. Early
submissions of assignments and discussion responses are encouraged. Assignments submitted
late will be subject to a 30% reduction for each day they are late up to two days and will not be
accepted late after two days. Due dates are posted to the assignments.
Communicate questions directly to the professor, except in cases where you need to contact
technical support. Your Belhaven University email address will be utilized for the class, so check
it frequently.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Belhaven University offers students disability accommodation in accordance with the guidelines
of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The student must make his or her disability known to the
Office of Student Care, must provide current documentation of the disability from an appropriate
licensed professional, and complete the Belhaven ADA Request Form for accommodation. The
student must provide such a request to the Office of Student Care at least two weeks prior to the
beginning of each semester for which the accommodation is requested. Approved
accommodations will be communicated to the student and made within a reasonable time period
after completion of the official request. Apply under the Quick Links on the Student
Life/Services tab.
Required Formatting
The required formatting for your papers, assignments, projects, discussions, or anything else that
may be research based is the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
(APA). Review the APA Quick Reference Style and Formatting Guide which includes Belhaven
University exceptions.
Responsible Research
Responsible research is a critical component of education, and any individual conducting
research must learn how to investigate, read, understand, systematize, interpret, and finally
explain complex ideas and issues in writing. An individual conducting research must also
understand that ideas found in literature, media presentations, interviews or any other form of
media do not belong to the researcher and therefore must be given credit through proper
documentation. It is required that every person conducting research provides proper credit
through correct use of documentation not only to prevent plagiarism, but also to demonstrate
respect to the originator of the idea. To ensure that all papers possess originality, faculty
members will use Turnitin. Any paper exceeding 20% of non-original material or noticeable
undocumented information will be subject to a discount in points at the discretion of the faculty.
Unit writing and papers will be evaluated for originality using Turnitin. Belhaven University
encourages a high degree of originality in writing. Quoted material should seldom be used and
must be limited to phrases that cannot be paraphrased or summarized without losing their
effectiveness. Students are required to cite and reference all sources of information and images
using APA style. Review the APA Quick Reference Style and Formatting Guide that includes
Belhaven University exceptions. Non-originality exceeding 20% on papers will be subject to
discount at the professors discretion and students may be referred to a writing lab for assistance
with originality.
Specific Practices to Avoid
? Do not attempt to get a research paper from the Internet (or anywhere else) and submit as your paper. This is dishonest and unethical.
? Do not copy from any book, article, or encyclopedia and submit this for your paper. This is not acceptable research.
? Include references (including source and page numbers) which document every source upon which you have in any way relied for each paragraph of your paper. If sources are
not properly referenced, the student has cheated the sources out of deserved credit and
cheated readers out of valuable information.
? Do not use material from any other students paper or work unless you give that student full credit in reference notes.
Summary of Assignments
Writing Assignments
Writing assignments must be APA compliant and include a title page, appropriate citations, and
references. The APA Publication Manual is provided as your reference for style. The professor
will post Unit Assignments on the first day of each unit. Assignments are due no later than 11:59
p.m. (CT) on Saturday. Earlier submissions are encouraged.
Discussion Questions
The professor will post discussion questions on the first day of each weekly unit. You should
respond to the initial discussion questions no later than 11:59 p.m. (CT) each subsequent
Wednesday. Responses to classmates discussion questions are due Saturday at 11:59 p.m. for
each unit. Early postings are encouraged.
Initial discussion question responses must be a minimum of 250 words each. When indicated, a
response to a classmate must be at least 100 words. Fewer than this will automatically result in a
significant reduction in ones grade. One initial response and one response to a classmate’s
posting are required for each question.
You must mention the persons name to whose comments you are responding and quote what
aspect of his or her post you are addressing. Without either, it is not possible to see the direction
of your comments and the comments will not receive any points.
Unit Quizzes Students will complete unit quizzes on all reading assignments and lectures. Quizzes are
available once all unit lectures have been viewed. Unit quizzes must be completed by Saturday at
11:59 p.m. (CT). Only after 11:59 p.m. (CT) on Saturday will correct answers for quizzes be
Final Exam
The Final Exam covers the chapters in Unit 7: Chapters 3, 7, and 14.
The Portfolio Paper
The portfolio paper covers the array of topics discussed and presented in the course and is due
Saturday of Unit 7. The paper will be evaluated using the Unit Assignments and Portfolio Paper
rubric (Appendix A).
Prepare the portfolio papers using the following guidelines:
o Cover page for the portfolio, including title of paper, your name, course name and
course number, date of submission (page 1)
o A minimum of 9 pages, including information developed from Units 1-6. Make
sure that information presented is not identically copied from each units writing
assignments. Utilize each assignment, expound on the information, and provide
additional information if needed (APA formatting required).
o A minimum of 1 page summarizing of your understanding of the biblical
implications for the topic (APA formatting required).
o A References page (APA formatting required), including a minimum of 10
references, including the text, books and articles from academic sources (Net
Library), and other periodicals.
The Portfolio Paper PowerPoint Presentation
Complete a 15-slide Final Paper-PowerPoint Presentation with your Christian worldview
philosophy. Assignments are due no later than 11:59 p.m. (CT) on Saturday during Unit 7.
Earlier submissions are accepted. The Final Paper PowerPoint Presentation will be evaluated
using the Final Paper PowerPoint Presentation rubric in Appendix C.
UNIT ONE: Financial Issues in Sport
? Financial Issues in Sport
? What is Sport Finance?
? Financial Skills
? Sports Sponsorships
? Financial New Stadiums and Arenas
Unit Activities
? Review the course module.
? Explore the online Library and Academic Help pages.
? Read assigned materials.
? View lectures.
? Complete unit quiz.
? Respond to discussion questions.
? Submit writing assignment(s).
Reading Assignments
? Chapter 1 of Sport Finance, 4th edition
? Article 1 on course homepage.
Post your introduction to the Personal Bio forum.
Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59
p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
? Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o From a financial standpoint, what are similarities and differences between events
that happened in the past and events that occur today? Answer in complete detail
and use examples.
o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
? Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o Sports are big business for any college or university. Why do modern universities
build major sport and recreation complexes on campuses? What is the financial
benefit and what sort of financial resources are needed to complete such an
undertaking. Provide an example of a university which just built a new athletic
facility. Include the finances in your discussion.
o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
? Assignment (40 points) o Paper 1: After reading Chapter 1 and Article 1, write a three-page paper that
discusses concerns associated with financing professional sport stadiums or
entities. Discuss the benefits of building new stadiums as well as contradictions to
these benefits.
UNIT TWO: Basic Financial Concepts
? Basic Financial Concepts
? Revenues and Expenses
? Overview of Accounting Concepts
? Economic Versus Financial Analysis
Unit Activities
? Read assigned materials.
? View lectures.
? Complete unit quiz.
? Respond to discussion questions.
? Submit writing assignment(s).
Reading Assignments
o Chapter 3 of Sport Finance, 4th edition o Article 2 on course homepage o Luke 14:28-29
Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59
p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
? Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o In the world of sports (regardless of level), balancing revenue and expenses is
critical to the success of the department. Within the level of sports you represent
or wish to go into, explain in detail what some of your department’s major
expenses and revenues would be. What does God teach us about money, and how
would those teachings apply to this discussion topic?
o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
? Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o Proper management and leadership are key when dealing with finances in sports.
Explain the difference between the two and how they will apply to the financial
structure of your sports organization.
o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
? Assignment (40 points) o Paper 2: After reading Chapter 3, assigned Scripture, and Article 2, write a three-
page paper that discusses revenue and expenses for collegiate athletes. Why do
most colleges operate in the red and what are some economic concerns of a
university eliminating its football program? Integrate Christian concepts
according to Scripture reading.
UNIT THREE: Developing a Budget
? Budgeting 101
? Importance of Financial Planning
? Determining Financial Objectives
? Financial Planning Process
? Developing a Pro Forma Budget
Unit Activities
? Read assigned materials.
? View lectures.
? Complete unit quiz.
? Respond to discussion questions.
? Submit writing assignment(s).
? Submit final paper topic for approval (if applicable)
Reading Assignments
? Chapters 7 and 8 of Sport Finance, 4th edition
? Article 3 on course homepage.
Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59
p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
? Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o For many managers, making the highest profit possible is a financial objective.
Based on the level of athletics you wish to work in, what would be your financial
objective? What obstacles may stand in the way from reaching your financial
o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
? Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o Examining internal and external data, where do you see this being beneficial in
your athletic career? What are some of the fixed costs you will experience in your
athletic field?
o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
? Assignment (40 points) o Paper 3: After reading Chapters 7 & 8 and Article 3, write a three-page paper that
discusses the importance of revenue generated from suite ownership. What are some
concerns associated with suite ownership? What are some factors in determining
pricing for these suites?
UNIT FOUR: Financial Systems and How They Operate
? Financial Markets
? Assets and Liabilities
? Marketable Securities
? Financial Institutions
? Bonds
Unit Activities
? Read assigned materials.
? View lectures.
? Complete unit quiz.
? Respond to discussion questions.
? Submit writing assignment(s).
Reading Assignments
? Chapters 4 and 10 of Sport Finance, 4th edition
? Article 4 on course homepage
? 1 Peter 2:13-4 and Zechariah 3:7
Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59
p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
? Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o Review Walt Disney Co. (NYSE: DIS) stock, which owns ESPN. What situation
can effect (+/-) the value of the stock in a sports-related industry? Provide an
example of any sports company and how its stock was affected by the situation in
o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
? Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o If you were going to take a minor league baseball team public, what stock
exchange would you try to get it on and why?
o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
? Assignment (40 points) o Paper 4: After reading Chapter 4, assigned Scripture, and Article 4, write a two-
page paper that discusses what type of business structure encompasses most of
professional sport teams. What were the main concerns presented in the article
reading? Considering the previous reading of the textbook, what are some factors
that should have been considered in financing of PETCO Park? Integrate
Christian concepts according to Scripture reading.
UNIT FIVE: Financial Statements, Forecasts, and Planning
? Types of Financial Statements
? Types of Financial Ratios
? Spending Earnings
Unit Activities
? Read assigned materials.
? View lectures.
? Complete unit quiz.
? Respond to discussion questions.
? Submit writing assignment(s).
Reading Assignments
? Chapters 11 and 12 of Sport Finance, 4th edition
Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59
p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
? Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o How does the statement of cash flows differ from the income statement? What do the
operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities tell us about cash
o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
? Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o What is depreciation, and why is it considered a noncash item? o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
Submit assignment as an Excel file or Word document. (Show all work.)
? Case Writing Assignment (40 points) 1. Prepare the income statements and balance sheets for 2008 and 2009 assuming a
34% tax rate. Also, assume a payout ratio of 51% and a retention ratio of 49%.
2. Prepare the statement of cash flows for 2009.
3. In addition, submit a one-page essay based on answering the following
questions: What role does honesty play in business? What are the consequences
of unethical business practices and behavior?
UNIT SIX: Cash Management
? Open Markets and Other Short-Term Borrowing
? Long-Term Borrowing
? Funding for Small or Minority-Owned Businesses
Unit Activities
? Read assigned materials.
? View lectures.
? Complete unit quiz.
? Respond to discussion questions.
? Submit writing assignment(s).
Reading Assignment
? Chapter 9 of Sport Finance, 4th edition
Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59
p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
? Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o If you have ever borrowed money to buy a car, what was involved in that process?
Also, if you have ever borrowed money to buy a car, what was involved in that
process? Explain.
o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
? Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o If you had the money, would you lend it to someone to help start a business if you
knew that the business had a 75% chance of failing? What are the issues that you
would need to address in making this decision?
o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum
Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
Submit assignment as Word document. (Choose one of the 3 questions and establish a 600-
word, APA style document analyzing your response. A minimum of 3 scholarly references is
? Case Writing Assignment (40 points) 1. If you were asked whether a large university such as Tennessee or Michigan with
a large seating capacity for their football stadiums should build a new football
stadium, how would you respond and what additional information would you
need to make this decision?
2. If you overspent on building or renovating a stadium, what can you do after the fact to minimize the damage done by the bad deal?
3. What do you think Akron should do to turn things around and to help repay the bonds issued to build the stadium? Can a university default on a loan or bond
repayment and what could be the ramifications of such an action?
UNIT SEVEN: Moving from Strategy to Action (Finals Week)
? Business Strategies
? Growth and Expansion
? Liquidation
? Selling a Business
? Bankruptcy
Unit Activities
? Review Chapters 3 and 7 (textbook)
? View Chapter 14 Lecture.
? Complete Final Examination (Covering Chapters 3, 7, and 14)
? Submit Final Projects
? Final Paper Project Friday, 11:59 p.m.
? Final Paper Project PowerPoint Presentation Saturday, 11:59 pm
Reading Assignments
? Review Chapters 3 and 7 (textbook)
? Read Chapter 14 of Sport Finance, 4th edition o PowerPoint Lecture provided for Chapter 14
Final Projects: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
1. Final Paper (200 points) Submit by Friday – early submission recommended Prepare the portfolio papers using the following guidelines:
o Cover page for the portfolio, including title of paper, your name, course name and
course number, date of submission (page 1)
o A minimum of 9 pages, including information developed from Units 1-6. Make
sure that information presented is not identically copied from each units Writing
Assignment. Utilize each assignment, expound on the information, and provide
additional information if needed (APA formatting required).
o A minimum of 1 page summarizing your understanding of the biblical
implications for the topic (APA formatting required).
o A References page (APA formatting required), including a minimum of 10
references, including the text, books and articles from academic sources (Net
Library), and other periodicals.
2. Final Presentation- (100 points): Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
o Complete a 15-slide Final Paper-PowerPoint Presentation. Assignments are due
no later than 11:59 p.m. (CT) on Saturday. Earlier submissions are accepted.
o Review the rubric (Appendix C) for the expectations and format of the PowerPoint
presentation. As you complete this assignment, you may include voice, video,
etc., up to 10 MB. Be creative with your PowerPoint Presentation.
Evaluation of Unit Writing Assignments 40 Points
MSA 643: Unit Writing Assignments
Content Criteria Points
Possible Points Earned Comments
Communication evaluates the proper attention to
format, grammar, punctuation, and the students
ability to develop thought in an organized
structure that exhibits graduate-level work.
Originality evaluates the attention to proper
citing and referencing of source materials and
the students ability to summarize, paraphrase,
and effectively quote the work of others while
developing original ideas and thoughts from the
researched material.
Critical thinking evaluates the exhibited
understanding of the process for reasoning and
the elements of thought as illustrated in the
students written work.
Integration evaluates the appropriate inclusion
of thoughts, ideas, and information from
assigned reading in context with the topic,
question, or task.
Christian worldview evaluates the
appropriateness of referenced
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