First Assignment Introduction to marketing
¢ Choose a Saudi business from the list and answer the questions:
1. Identify the business briefly
2. What is the business strategy?
3. Describe its products and/or services.
4. Identify its customer. (Segmentation, target market)
5. Why do you think that customers buy their product and/or service from this company?
6. Identify two competitors and describe how this business differentiates itself from them.
7. Does the business have a competitive advantage?
8. Apply the BGC matrix to analyze the current business portfolio
9. If this were your business, what would you do differently? Explain your response.
10. Analyse the companys situation by using SWOT analysis
Please type your assignment as follows: 1- Font Size 12
Times New Roman
2- Single-spaced on A4 paper.
3- not less than 3 pages
4- need references
5- PDF version + uploaded on LMS
The contents of the assignment must be based on your opinion, discussion; details your own critical thinking.
Your assignment must be written in English only.
Plagiarism, copying and cheating will NOT be awarded any mark, and
disciplinary actions will be taken instead.
Those who DOT NOT submits ON TIME considered late submission. Your mark will be ZERO..
You are required to prepare a front cover for your assignment. The front
cover attached (Appendix 1)
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