Identify and research a US public company in your pathway. It should be on the Fortune 500 list. Don’t use a company that someone has already used. Access their most recent (less than 12 months) Annual Report/10K at the EDGAR filings at SEC Edgar search toolor Yahoo or Google finance. Please put the name of the company, in the subject line of your post. Include the URL of the report in your initial post.
Initial post:
Write a 3 paragraph discussion post with the following information:
What is the net cash increase/(decrease) from operating activities at the end of the most recent year?
What is the net cash increase/(decrease) from investing activities at the end of the most recent year?
What is the net cash increase/(decrease) from financing activities at the end of the most recent year?
What is the net increase/(decrease) in cash for the most recent year?
Where are they getting their cash from, where are they spending their cash? Does each section tell you about the company?
What conclusions can you draw from this statement about the health of this company?
If the numbers are in millions, please state that.
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