SOC 100, Fall 2020, Optional Extra Credit Paper Dr. Smith
Frontline film (2019) Sex Trafficking in America
LINK to film –
Due on Tuesday, 11/10 by 5:00pm
In order to receive Credit you must:
Upload to BB in its assigned place. It must be in MS Word, PDF or RTF to ensure credit; if I cannot open it, you cannot receive credit.
Note: Emailed papers are not accepted; hard copies are not accepted. Late papers are not accepted. The paper must be uploaded to BB.
Using what you learned from the film, for this paper (3 pages) you should do the following:
– Explain the work of the special Phoenix PD unit
– Provide a summary of Kats story, and, Mariahs perspective on what happened to her.
– And, summarize what the judge says when he sentences one of Kats victimizers.
– Utilize at least one (1) concept/theme from the Gender chapter in the book that links with what you see in the film.
– Discuss at least two (2) ways you think this practice could possibly be prevented/ended. Be creative here think outside the box!
The paper is worth 10 points. You MUST turn in a clean (grammar) paper, following guidelines, with good substance to ensure you get the 10 points.
Papers must be typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, with 12 pt font.
IF you do an adequate job on the paper, demonstrating a good, sincere effort, you will receive the 10 points (its a credit/no credit paper). Papers must have a 3rd page of text or they will not receive credit. Papers that do not follow the guidelines will not receive any credit.
Be sure to follow CMUs Academic Integrity Policy, and do your own work. Papers will be screened by CMUs SafeAssign system.
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