James Baldwin, Sonnys Blues
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Create a Catchy Title that includes the Author and Text as Subject
Example: Whats Love Got to Do with It: Domestic Abuse in Zora Neale Hurstons Sweat
Refer to key words in the course outcomes listed in the syllabus.
State your interest: student, English major/Africana Studies, future teacher, public speaking, black history enthusiast, curious
scholar, etc. Explain why you chose this particular text and author. Consider style, plot, use of vernacular, characterization,
Write a claim or thesis referring to one of the class discussion points or add more. What literary devices does the author use
to convey the theme or pattern of African-American literature?
State the questions you wish to answer. What do you want to show about this text?
Propose two to three resources that support the thesis. Where will you look for credible, academic articles?
What presentation tools will you use? Describe plans for your audio-visual synopsis of the final paper. Will you have
handouts, brochures, or an original rap video?
Propose a time-table. When will you pull your research articles, draft your paper, submit to D2L, submit to LiveText? Get a
calendar to work out a time-management plan.
Suggest benefits.
What will participants gain by attending your session?
Lastly, bring the proposal to a conclusion with contact information.
Express appreciation for consideration of your proposal.
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