Chapter 16
Define and describe total cost of ownership. List at least 10 items to consider when determining a data centers total cost of ownership.
Define and describe a capital expense. How are capital expenses different from operational expenses?
Define and describe economies of scale and provide a cloud-based example.
Define and describe right sizing as it pertains to cloud computing.
Define Moores law and discus how it might influence cloud migration.
Given company revenues of $2.5 million and expenses of $2.1 million, calculate the companys profit and profit margin.
Chapter 17
Compare and contrast functional and nonfunctional requirements and provide an example of each.
Discuss why a designer should avoid selecting an implementation platform for as long as possible during the design process.
Discuss various trade-offs a designer may need to make with respect to nonfunctional requirements.
Discuss why the system maintenance phase is often the most expensive phase of the software development life cycle.
Your responses should be submitted as a Word document and the paper should adhere to APA format and style. Your answers should be written in your own words. Include proper citations to any sources you used in your answers.url for references
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