Concert Review 3.
Verdi’s “Requiem”
Write a complete review of the concert (500 words or more). Include the following information in the review:
(a) Name, date/time and place of the performance
(b) Name of the performers (i.e. Houston Symphony, Conductor, Soloist etc.)
(c) Name of each composition(s) performed (Beethovens Symphony No. 5 2nd movement is allegro) Titles are in quotations and movements are in Italics.
(d) Description of each composition performed: (Include information about the elements of the music, as discussed in Chapter 1, Topic 1 in the textbook. This will require knowledge of the terms and instruments.
(e) Discuss historical context of the pieces and/or composers. (This information may be obtained from Google, the program notes, record jackets and should be documented) [Wiki is NOT a source], however, ALL must be cited in MLA. No more than 3% of the paper can be in historical context. If it is found that you have used Wiki you will be asked to redo using another source. This portion will require footnotes and citations.
(f) Discuss what you liked and disliked about each composition. Give your personal reasons.
(g) DO NOT write with lower case i, if used, you will lose points when paper is graded.
3. Citations: MLA or Chicago style is required for this paper. Guidelines can be found under helpful links. Link for Video reviews is also required.
4. You must submit your concert review in Microsoft Word format. The font is to be Times New Roman and at 12pitch. If you send the review as a PDF it will not be graded and a zero will be what you have earned.
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