For this assignment you will be completing a web-based training on Family-Professional Partnerships. The learning objectives for the web-training are:
Describe effective practices for developing trusting family-professional partnerships inearly care and education programs.
Use a decision-making process to select partnership-oriented practices linked to (a) developing an initial friendly relationship, (b) making shared decisions, and (c) developing a trusting partnership with families to address challenging issues.
The objective of this assignment is to help you learn how to establish cooperative relationships that respect the diversity and uniqueness of all families. Be sure to view the module through all the steps in sequence, watch all of the videos and complete all of the web activities as you go. To access this training, go toCONNECT Module 4: Family-Professional Partnerships and complete steps 1-5. Turnbull, A., Winton, P., Rous, B., & Buysse, V. (2010). CONNECT Module 4: Family- Professional Partnerships. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute, CONNECT: The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge. Available at The above link will take you straight to the module. The Module Dashboard provides an overview of each of the five steps to this training. Under the Dashboard you can also pre-print the activities and handouts for the entire module. Click on Begin Module to start the module. Notice that there are links to the relevant handouts and activities also on the right hand side of the web pages.
As you complete the module, read and learn from all of the materials including the handouts, audio and video clips. Complete all of the activities for steps 1-5.
After completing the web-based learning module Module 4: Family-Professional Partnerships answer the following question:
Describe effective practices for developing trusting family-professional partnerships in early care and education programs. Include the following (from Step 3: Evidence):
A summary of the major points from Handout 4.4: Research Summary on Family- Centered Help giving Practices outlining the best available research onpartnership- oriented practices.
A summary of the major points from Step3: Evidence, Subsection C: Policies reflecting the fields policy and guidelines related to developing family-professional partnerships.
A summary of the major points from professionals and family members on developing family-professional partnerships in Step 3: Evidence, Subsection D:Experience-Based Knowledge.
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