COM12 Business Communication
Short Essay
Assessment 2: Short Essay
Description: Short Essay
Weighting: 30%
Due: 5.30 pm AEST, Monday, Week 6 (October 5, 2020)
Length: 1500 words
The following video provides background to and description of this Assessment task.
Video can be watched at a94b8d34-f1ac-4ee2-ae3a-c65cae59b666
What you will do
Identify examples (three at most) of successful and/or unsuccessful communication exchanges/processes you have experienced in the workplace (or other situations if you have not worked in an organisation) and analyse these situations by applying elements of communication modelling to demonstrate and evaluate these communication attempts.
An example of an appropriate situation might be as simple as failing to communicate a change of procedures in a staff or team meeting. Some questions you might consider are:
What message was sent? What message was received? What caused noise and interference?
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Were cultural issues in play? Was the message sent consistent with the leadership and management communication in the organisation? What other communication elements could have been in play? Why did the communication processes break down? And very importantly, what application of communication modelling did – or could – have made a difference?
An opportunity will be provided for you to brainstorm your scenario and what happened with your peers in the Discussion Board. This discussion will be overseen by your tutor.
You must name the organisation you are analysing in your essay. If you cannot name the organisation, you must contact your tutor to make alternate arrangements. You must use at least 8 different scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources in your short essay and include a reference list. You must use the Harvard Referencing Guide , which can be found on the COM12 unit site. A reference list is required for assignment 2. In text references are counted as part of the essay word limit. The reference list is not counted as part of the word limit. Your essay should comply with academic essay conventions. We encourage you to use resources such as Smarthinking as you complete this task. You can use first person language to describe your experience in each situation, but use this sparingly. You will be marked down if you use it excessively throughout the essay. Include a word count at the end of your essay.
Prepare your assessment for submission
All assessment items are to be submitted with a University Assessment Coversheet (located under the “Assessment” tab > “Other Assessment Resources” folder).
Students are responsible for ensuring they complete all sections of the Cover Sheet and that they have agreed to the Academic Integrity Declaration. In addition the Cover Sheet asks you to indicate whether you agree or do not agree to your work, without disclosure of the contributor’s identity, to be used, and reproduced as an assessment exemplar for standard setting and moderation activities. You have the right to deny this request.
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Please Note: Assessment items submitted without a cover sheet will not be marked by an examiner until a cover sheet is provided, unless advised otherwise in the Unit Outline and by the Unit Tutor.
On receipt of the assessment item, you are advised by the tutor, via your student email account if their assessment item does not have a cover sheet. The date of submission for the assessment item is recorded as the date on which the cover sheet is received and penalties for late submission will apply.
Submit a draft of your assessment to check referencing
Before submitting your final short essay, you can submit a draft of your assessment to receive feedback from Turnitin on your use of referencing.
Submit your final short essay
When complete, you can submit your final Short Essay for marking.
Marking Criteria
The Assessment 2 Short Essay will be assessed using this marking criteria .
Additional information
Please Note: Assessment items submitted without a cover sheet will not be marked by an examiner until a cover sheet is provided, unless advised otherwise in the Unit Outline and by the Unit Tutor.
Online Exclusive Materials
This document makes reference to the online resources.
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Videos and other embedded content c65cae59b666
External Links
submit a draft of your assessment submit your final Short Essay this marking criteria
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Assessment 2: Short Essay
What you will do
Prepare your assessment for submission
Submit a draft of your assessment to check referencing
Submit your final short essay
Marking Criteria
Additional information
Online Exclusive Materials
Videos and other embedded content
External Links
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