i need you to read the student responses and answer like you are talking to the student directly –
short responses on whether you agree or disagree-
Question below- Think back to your college education. Identify the characteristics of effective instructors that you have had. What made them effective? What strategies did the instructor employ that maintained your interest in the content of the course?
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Re: Topic 1 DQ 1
Reflecting on my educational journey, best practices that come to mind were interactive learning and instructors that established rapport with students. In my opinion, successful interactions that held student interest enhanced attitudes toward the content, created a vibrant classroom and helped me acquire the skills and knowledge of the course. Student-centered strategies support through thought-provoking and inspirational learning. Instructors would provide ideas and insights, then guided the class through interactive practice. Courses that are not based on prefabricated lesson plans, but rather from imagination, engage students in creative learning experiences (Hufford, 2013). Those instructors that truly connected with us, who shared their passion through instruction, had a positive influence on my education. I believe relationships and instruction are an incredible combination that determines ones engagement and motivation. Thus having a strong alliance with students, creating a welcoming atmosphere where we felt confident in taking risks and pushing our intellect to higher levels, were courses I felt most successful in.
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Re: Topic 1 DQ 1
Thinking back to my college education, I was a college student at Mercer University and the classroom was a pubic speaking lecture class. I can remember the instructor of the classroom and he was a taught professor. Everything that you got was earned and not give. This professor’s characteristic was one that will stay with me for the rest of my life. This instructor was very firm, teachable, passionate in teaching, and wanted all to learn. I was very shy, and this professor one day said to me that I was going to have to prepare an essay on someone that was a great influence in my life. I went to the professor and told them it is no way I would be able to do this, The Professor asked me what I enjoyed doing and I said singing and sometimes reading poems. According to (Dziak, 2020) stated that strategic navigate through making changes that will in long term be successful. This Professor made me realize that I did not give myself the correct credit, and I was holding back on doing things. To this very day, I always start my day off with Lord help me be a better me. I started planning out my day in a strategic plan and it is all because of this instructor believing that greater was within me.
3 posts
Re: Topic 1 DQ 1
Reflecting on my undergraduate education, I had two instructors who I found to be remarkable. The first instructor was kind with her words, caring in nature and patient with students. Walcott (1966) states, I know now, that had I been a kind, encouraging, helpful person, those fine pupils would have loved me (p.557). She was never short with students, genuinely cared about their concern for understanding material, and patient when it came to questions or concerns. She took the time to make sure we gained the clarification we needed. Her passion for the content she taught is what maintained my interest throughout the courses I took with her. You could see the careful preparation she took to make sure each course (all of which were communication courses) was engaging and digestible for all types of learners.The second instructor was all about real-world application. She was not concerned with tests and quizzes. She believed tests and quizzes involved students staying up all night to digest mounds of information just to unload it and retain nothing. Hufford (2013) suggests, Students are not measured by an orthodox grading process that fits into a traditional assessment model (p. 170). Our entire semester was dedicated to understanding and applying the course concepts to real-world situations in our papers and class discussions. I feel this facilitated a better learning experience as tests are not always the best indicators of understanding.
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