Discuss: For your first post, read the short Doctor’s Examine Art (Links to an external site.) article and discuss what you learned. Who is impacted by the article? What is the argument or...
Popular Questions - Literature
Final Project Instructions: Develop a project/presentation of 750 to 1000 words minimum/maximum (or the equivalent). You will either have a creative presentation with an explanatory paragraph to...
Discuss victimazation
Does knowing about the JK Rowling controversy impact your view of the Harry Potter books as you are reading? If so, how? If not, why not? Do you think it’s possible to separate the art from...
The major assignment for this week is to compose a 900-word essay comparing The Odyssey with either The Song of Roland or Dante’s Inferno. In this paper you will write an in-depth analysis...
Please read the question to be answered carefully–this assignment is not asking you to write about The Legend of King Arthur. The prompt for the essay is below: The legend of King Arthur is...
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