Instructions: Read the journal article posted in this module under readings and lectures. This is the citation for the article in APA format. This paper focuses on family violence that results in homicide.
Diem, C., & Pizarro, J. M. (2010). Social structure and family homicides. Journal of Family Violence, 25(5), 521-532.
Write a 250-300-word essay critiquing the article.
In your critique be sure to include the following elements:
The purpose of the published paper
Definitions of intimate partner homicide, filicide, patricide, and siblicide
Differences between micro and macro- characteristics which potentially predict these types of homicide
How the authors conducted their study
Which macro structures the authors hypothesized would affect homicide and what their data revealed
What this paper contributed to our knowledge about family violence
If you were writing this paper, what could you do to improve the research
Assessment: This assignment is worth 10 points. Nine of those points will be awarded for addressing the points which appear above. One point will be awarded writing that is clear and free from technical errors. If you use any sources beyond the article and your book. Be sure to include the citations at the end of your paper.
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