Activist perception:
Questions to ask self: what do we want to see happen for the black female body. talk about info that can be taken to give out further knowledge about the black female body. get ideas or some context from the book below
Education: Educate the youth and not only youth everyone on the black female body, the history of the black female body, vision and culture narratives, and future of black female body. stereotypes of black female body. kamala harris labeled as hoe but based off history of slaves, racism, and statistics how is she labeled.
Please also include a brief action plan in regard to Black women and girls (Black female bodies). One full page Critical Response. Due Sunday, November 22, 2020.
Read from the Crunk Feminist Collection text:
pgs, 16- “The Evolution of a Down-Ass Chick”-Boylorn
310- “Love Me Like You Love Your Lover”- Durham
312-“Loving Ourselves: The Case for Radical Empathy”- Morris
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