FINAL POSTER PROJECT, CONCEPT PAPER and WRITTEN RESPONSE PAPERS: (15 points: 5 points for each poster & concept statement; 5 points for 3 responses)
You will be making TWO posters, addressing your choice of TWO of the following topics: Gender, Race, or Violence.
Use at least THREE of the techniques discussed by Cooper Hewitt Museum curator Ellen Lupton in her online course, Demystifying Graphic Design: How Posters Work and summarized in How Posters Work on Canvas.
You must choose or create one or more images AND a quote/text that you will use to design each poster.
The text must come from one of the assigned readings on the subjects weve studied OR from President Peltons speeches on related subjects When choosing your image, please take care that the image is not offensive to the intended viewers.
Note that you must CITE the quote(s) you choose and also include your name and Ways of Seeing Fall 2019 somewhere on your poster.
Write a (minimum) 2-paged, double-spaced concept paper about EACH of your poster designs, describing
your audience, (Since it’s the college community, describe them here)
the intended impact of your poster on your audience,
the specific techniques you employed from How Posters Work.
Upload your Posters to Canvas.
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