These assignments are opinion based and subjective. These are tasks for someone who recently got promoted in the military to the rank of Chief. See the below link for information about the particular rank:
Imagine you’re in the military. Assume you are promoted to the rank of Chief, a senior enlisted position. Answer the following:
Question 1: Prepare a formal letter of thanks to those specific personnel you believe are responsible for you making it to this point in your Naval Career, highlighting what they contributed to your success. This letter will be since and will take up to at least three quarter of a standard sheet of paper. No APA formatting or double space.
Tips for this letter: 2 Letters Required
Letter A will be for the spouse for being there and supporting long deployments and taking care of everything in the family. If you have to add the name for the spouse, add Deanna.
Letter B will be for a superior that is a mentor. His was of doing business influenced and I learned a lot from him. You can make uo some things and make the letter look genuine. I will edit as necessary. You can put the name as Mike. I will tailor it as necessary later. I just need a basic shell with the normal influencing, mentorship, learning from them and how that influenced this promotion.
A total of 2 letters are required for the above question.
Question 2: Write an essay on what it means to be advanced to the exalted position of Chief Petty Officer. It should address the mission, vision and guiding principles of a Chief Petty Officer. See below for reference. This essay have to be exactly 126 words (weird, I know) but not more, not less.
Mission, Vision, and Guiding Principles:
To provide leadership to the enlisted force, advice to Navy leadership, and a combat ready naval force. We are a Senior Enlisted force that serves first and foremost as Deckplate leaders. We are committed to developing sailors and enforcing standards. We remain responsive, aligned, and well connected to both leadership and Sailors. We conduct ourselves in a consistently professional, ethical, and traditional manner.
Guiding principles are:
Question 3: Write a reflection paper on any issue that you feel could improve the overall Chief Petty Officer Community, CPO initiation and Sailor 360 program process. One page requirement. Reference links posted below:–The-Journey-from-Blue-Shirt-to-Khaki.aspx
Please note that none of these need any APA formatting to double space. You can write them all in one file. Just annotate on the top what it is and you can submit them all to me together. Expecting 4 pages total. Thank you and if any of this is confusing you, please do let me know.
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