Students will examine and present on the topic of parenthood and raising children utilizing the textbook and two additional peer reviewed scholarly sources. ¨¨¨¨When searching for peer reviewed journal articles, please use Annie Gabriel’s “One Search” function to get access to the databases that CBU has subscribed to. Simply login via your usual CBU login information.
Address each question: ¨¨
1. What factors need to be considered when deciding whether to parent or not? ¨¨
2. How have the trends in parenthood changed (e.g. conception, age at having a child, remaining child free, etc)?¨¨
3. What are some advantages to parenting in the 21st century?¨¨
4. What are some challenges to parenting in the 21st century?¨¨¨
Presentations can be in the following formats: screencast-o-matic, Voice Thread, Techsmith Relay, Prezi (note prezi voice is not free), or uploaded to YouTube. Power point files are discouraged although you are welcome to start with Power Point to create your slides and use Screencast or Techsmith Relay to record over the slides and add audio. The presentation will need to be an MP4 (video) file or a working link to where the video is housed (e.g. YouTube or Screencast).
See learning acitivies > week zero for available free software options and tutorials I’ve included. TechSmith Relay and Voice Thread are automatically free to you as a CBU student. Click here to access them:
Presentations must be narrated and include both text and images, charts, or other visual guides.
Consider the following:
– Students must develop a professional multimedia presentation.
– Students should not film themselves casually talking to the camera (e.g. vlog or FB/IG Live style)
– The presentation should be 8-10 minutes in length.
– Citations and references must also be included in the presentation and formatted in APA style.
– When submitting the assignment please provide a working link to the presentation in the submission area as non-working links will not be graded.
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