Read chapters 7 & 8
Research current events depicting intellectual property violations. Find an event or a case that can answer all of the following questions under #3.
Initial Post
Provide the name of your source – Only use trusted sources – Do not use Wikipedia,, Huffington posts, Washington posts, or other similar sites – if you use a website, and it displays too many adds, it is most likely not a trusted source
Provide an overview of the issue at hand
Summarize how the violation was handled
Share applicable financial information (for example: Company Y lost $X in sales) – If your case doesn’t have this information, find another case.
Analyze the legal ramifications of the situation and discuss concepts from the class that relate to the violation.
Support your response with at least one credible reference.
Note: Citations may be in text to accompany the audio submission.
Don’t forget to cite correctly, -2 points for incorrect citation
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